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Voice, Values and Promises - Our Core Pillars and Why Believe Us? (3/3)

July 06, 2020
For LIGR to have a true and real value proposition we need to have Value Proposition CORE PILLARS that as a company we believe in, and importantly for our customers to believe in.
July 02, 2020
100% cloud-based graphics solutions will see live productions minimising the amount of hardware required onsite to produce live graphics, as the graphics are rendered in the cloud, in real-time.
July 01, 2020
Regarded as nonessential for lower-level broadcasts, the Lower Third Graphic is in fact one of the most potent storytelling graphics available for broadcasters.
June 30, 2020
For LIGR to have a true and real value proposition we need to have Value Proposition CORE PILLARS that as a company we believe in, and importantly for our customers to believe in.
June 26, 2020
Let’s talk about the benefits, the current limitations and generally how these emerging technologies can streamline your workflow, reducing setup times and cutting costs.
June 25, 2020
Live, real-time graphics are like a set of tools that sports broadcasters can use to help tell the story of a game. One of the first tools that LIGR.Live platform users take out of their toolbox is the MatchID Graphic.
June 22, 2020
For LIGR to have a true and real value proposition we need to have Value Proposition CORE PILLARS that as a company we believe in, and importantly for our customers to believe in.
June 18, 2020
The workflow that you adopt is maybe the most important decision you will make. Why? Because once you commit, you probably won’t change your workflow for a while.
June 17, 2020
The Introduction Graphic, as we call it at LIGR, is a handy live graphic for a variety of reasons. It sets the scene for the upcoming match.
June 15, 2020
We are best-in-breed but approachable and educational as we know that our customers may not be from the traditional world of broadcast and graphics.

Ready to take your live streams to the next level?