QLD Rugby League working with LIGR to deliver consistent graphics.

Written by Team LIGR | Nov 21, 2020 1:30:00 AM
Organisations often have this conundrum. How to get consistency across all their products, leagues, games and people. QRL has been working with LIGR this year to bring the grassroots level of the game up to standard.



“We're needing that product that is going to be able to deliver outcomes for that lower tier right up until that higher tier, the higher tier production"

Organisations often have this conundrum. How to get consistency across all their products, leagues, games and people. Cameron has been working with LIGR this year to bring the grassroots level of the game up to standard, and consistent, with the other levels of broadcast.

Queensland Rugby League live stream, with live graphics powered by LIGR.Live. Source.

“The capabilities prior to COVID, you know, there were things here, there and everywhere. Branding was inconsistent, quality control, they had all of these issues.”

There are differences in broadcasting at the different levels of the game. Lower tiers are shot on a single camera, the higher end productions can have 3 or 4 cameras and a larger broadcasting team. The challenge within an organisation like Queensland Rugby League is keeping the consistency across all forms. This is where LIGR platform is assisting Cameron and QRL.

“Not only will it allow us to have a little bit of control with the content, but it will also allow us to have the same look and feel across the state.”

LIGR.Live is enabling QRL to handle an increasing number of games, while trying to facilitate the unique features of rugby league. All whilst building out a brand image that is recognisable.

“We kind of really want to have that unique thing where people, once they see the graphics, understand all rugby league in Queensland should look the same, whether it’s, school boys, club football the whole lot.”

And the only way to get full adoption of a platform is if it’s easy to use. Especially with the nature of sports that heavily rely on volunteers and the weekend warriors that just love the game.

LIGR promotes its ease of use. The platform was built, rebuilt, modified again and again to allow anyone to pick it up and use it. That’s why it’s always great to hear from our valued clients that the hard work is beginning to pay off.

LIGR.Live can power live, automated graphics overlays for an unlimited number of games simultaneously.

“So the fact that it's not hard, it's really easy to set up and go. And we are only in its infancy, realistically, we're going to ramp up as it gets easier and easier to start streaming matches and it's really the way of the future. It’s been fast tracked due to COVID, but, you know, once we see some form of normality resume or what we know is normal, sport is going to be back in numbers. You're going to have more and more people as technology continues to give greater access to sport at their fingertips. So this product's going to assist with that.”

LIGR looks forward to working with Queensland Rugby League as streaming sport continues to grow in a post COVID world.